Saturday, September 3, 2011


Apple pie oatmeal :) Breakfast. Regular oats, green apple, Almond breeze vanilla milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, vegan carob chips. Delicious-ness in 300 calories.
Lunch, a home-made grilled sandwich. So good! So healthy! 2 slices Seattle brown loaf, 1 low-acid roma tomato, 1 slice WeightWatchers cheese, 1 teaspoon vegan pesto, 1 tablespoon nuttelex. Lunch in 352 calories. Gob-smacked goodness, less is more! Way more!
Dinner, no appetite, dry throat so just steamed a giant seafood roll and then pan fry it for a minute before drizzling some Bragg's liquid aminos over it for some healthy extra kick. About 260 calories here.

Night snack, wait... definitely not a snack! Best bud's rollin' Colin's birthday cake. A huge palm-sized cake! I don't ever lie about such things. Blackforest, a German favorite of mine. Hmm.. if only it was carob and not chocolate. The cake should be about 400 calories I presume.
Love my boys! Buddies forever, and ever.

xoxo. God bless.

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